NEW LIGHTROOM UPDATE ALERT! Preset Amount Slider is here


Lightroom update alert! This was an exciting one for me to see when I did my most recent Lightroom Classic update this week. A feature that’s been a loooong time coming, and well, entirely over due to show up in the program. I can’t believe it took until 2022 for this feature to be released but it’ll be a total game changer in 2023 and beyond!

New to Lightroom – FINALLY – a brand new adjustment slider allowing you to control how much or how little of the preset you’d like applied to an image! I know for myself this will be SO handy when I know I want the aesthetic of my chosen preset, but just want it scaled back a little bit for a more natural feel. I will be using this feature a ton.


A few imperfect things to mention (that I hope Adobe will continue to impove on!):

  • The Preset Amount Slider ONLY works immediately after applying a preset to an image. It will grey out and not be usable after doing any additonal adjustments to your lighting or colors, etc.

  • It also doesn’t work on images you have Sync’d a preset and adjustments on to. Not a huge deal here as you should only be syncing edits to images with very similar lighting and colors – any additional adjustments can be made to these still – just not the Preset Amount Slider.

Want to see it in action on some images? Check out my tutorial video below!