What to do during slow business months (for photographers)

As a creative business owner in a cold winter climate – the new year can sometimes be a much slower season for us. Daily or weekly sessions have drastically slowed down or have come to an end.

When then things finally feel still… we enjoy a couple days of SLOW… and then… PANIC sets in. The shoots have come to a halt and you’re in worry mode about what to do with your time and how you can continue to put energy into your business.


⚡️Hear me out – this slow time is GOOD!

It’s good for you – to rest and recharge – and good for your business. Trust me.

My best advice to photographers or anyone in a creative industry that may be affected by the seasons:

Use this time to put LOVE and attention into your business. Deep dive in your processes, backend, marketing, systems, education, plans for the future, goals & dreams, and looking at what worked and what you’d love to improve on.

Take time to create personal work! Plan and execute sessions that you’ve been dying to find the time for, bring those dreams to life. Try a concept out of your comfort zone. Branch into studio work or in-home sessions

Utilize this slow time – FUTURE YOU WILL THANK YOU

When we’re faced with hours on hours of emails, shoots, editing (repeat, repeat, repeat), it can seem absolutely impossible to keep up with all the extras it takes to run your business efficiently.

For example:

PDF’s, SEO, website updates, email templates, social marketing, product and service offers, structuring of packages, pricing, graphic design, blogging, file organization, and on and on and on – not to mention book keeping, taxes, and expenses.

These are all things that if you use your slow season to set them up, create new processes and routines, you’ll end up working your business season much more efficiantly and generate even higher revenew!

If you’re new to the industry, you feel like you’re constantly treading water. Or wanting to finally start your business and just feel overwhelmed on how or where to start… I want to help you get your game plan in order and set you up for organized and efficient success!

In early 2023, you can join my Workflow Workshop online education.

My mastermind style group will virtually meet once a week for 6 week where you can pick my brain, ask me anything, share your wins, and build community. Weekly trainings on how to start, operate, and LOVE your photography business. Plus, an online private group for community, connection, and celebrating your wins!

Some key points you’ll learn and implement into your buisness for 2023 and beyond:

  • Getting clear on your mindset & WHY
  • Creating a professional client experience
  • Systems for organized processes and success
  • How to create and implement digital products for your clients
  • Boundaries and avoiding burnout
  • My entire post shoot workflow
  • Editing 101

Want to be the first to join when enrollment opens?

Join my mailing list today!

Make the most of your slow season… and get ready for an incredible 2023!

I cannot wait to pour into you and help you create the buisness you dream about!
